
- The initiative includes 60 financing solutions with more than EUR 2.6bn available for utilization till the end of 2024;
- Special focus on favorable conditions for account management and advisory to support the micro and SMEs clients in transition towards more sustainable business models;
- "UniCredit for CEE" adds value to the clients, leveraging the group strong cooperation with over 25 local and international partners.
UniCredit announces the launch of "UniCredit for CEE", a new initiative with concrete financial, accounts management and advisory solutions across Central and Eastern Europe, aimed at helping micro and small enterprises, including organizations from the third sector, to grow, cope with transition and be more competitive.
60 financing solutions for over EUR 2.6bn are available for utilization till the end of 2024 across the markets. They are specific to each market and dedicated to support innovation, digitalization, competitiveness, sustainability and more. Local programs are also developed for specific economic sectors like agriculture, tourism or exporters.
"UniCredit for CEE" initiative is based on three main pillars: financing, account management and advisory. Among the concrete actions that UniCredit has made available to micro and small businesses are:
FINANCING: 60 solutions in place with more than EUR 2.6bn available for utilization till the end of 2024. Among them special solutions targeting key areas:
- 10 financing programs under CEE umbrella active on 8 markets with the aim to support innovation, digitalization, competitiveness, sustainability, creativity, culture.
- Local programs for specific industries - agriculture, tourism, exporters.
- Dedicated subsidized credit facilities for Micro Business in 4 markets to support new companies with financing solutions, supporting digital payments and financial education.
ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT: Special conditions, specific to the local markets, among which fee free period for organizations from the third sector or for newly onboarded clients.
ADVISORY: Support the micro and SMEs clients in transition towards more sustainable business models, through various educational or entrepreneurial initiatives.
o 13 financing programs aimed to enable our clients the easier transition to ESG through investments in sustainable practices and green technologies.
"With UniCredit for CEE, we not only consolidate and grow our product and services base, available to micro and small businesses, but also increase the opportunity for sharing best practices among the markets for the benefit of the clients. The framework gives opportunity for strong local customization with specific country initiatives which match the current needs and ambitions of our clients in each market. This is further evidence of our commitment to proximity to our clients, communities and territories in which we operate", commented Teodora Petkova, Group Head of Central Europe and Eastern Europe.
She emphasized that the banks in CEE continue to provide best-in-class financing solutions to ensure the clients' growth and development of local economies. For instance in CEE for the past year UniCredit supported 63k Small Corporates with 15bn euro of loans, and more than 53k Micro Corporates with 4bn euro of loans.
"With UniCredit for CEE we go the extra mile for our clients to leverage numeours special offers with increased guarantees with more favourable conditoins thanks to our strong cooperation with over 25 local and international partners. We also continue to invest in our talents so they can build on the advisory roles for our clients", Petkova concluded.
Additional media information:
Darina Radoslavova, tel +359 887 505273, Ebsjob/SbeptmbwpwbAVojDsfejuHspvq/CH
Ekaterina Ancheva, tel +359 894 518 193 , flbufsjob/bodifwbAvojdsfejuhspvq/ch