Structured Products
The structured products (certificates/notes) are denominated in EUR and in USD, with a fixed maturity date and partial or full capital protection. Each issue will be offered through public offering with a fixed subscription period.
Certificates/notes are products resembling bonds, where the issuer undertakes the commitment to pay the face value of the product, plus a potential profit, provided that pre-determined conditions are met on a specific date in the future. The certificates provide an option for investment in financial instruments that give full or conditional guarantee of their face value, together with the option to achieve profitability above the average market levels as compared to the profitability of conservative investment products. The certificates are instruments based on various types of underlying assets. The certificate profitability and the investment face value protection depend on the performance of these underlying assets.
Full or conditional principal protection
IconThere are products with full protection of the face value meant for conservative investors whose aim is to preserve their savings. To riskier investors we offer products with a conditional guarantee of the face value in case of public offering.
Underlying assets
IconThe underlying asset may differ in the structure of each product, e.g. generally recognized exchange indices (EURO STOXX 50, S&P 500, etc.), single shares and share basket of large European and global companies.
IconThe underlying asset may differ in the structure of each product, e.g. generally recognized exchange indices (EURO STOXX 50, S&P 500, etc.), single shares and share basket of large European and global companies.
IconCertificates may bring profit above the current market levels of conservative instruments. Depending on the specific structure of the product, fixed annual payments may be accrued and made, as well as profit depending on the underlying asset performance or additional income payable on the product maturity date.
IconThe certificates have a secondary market in the issuer country - in case liquidity is needed, you can sell your investment and the pricing will be determined as quotation on Bloomberg Trading Facility B.V. (BTFE) as at the date of order placement.
More information
Each issue of structured products has its own ISIN number and is generated by the issuer on the grounds of an approved base prospectus.
The base prospectuses drawn up by UniCredit SpA are approved by The Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF), Luxemburg, and those issued by UniCredit Bank AG - by The Federal Financial Services Authority (BaFin), Germany.
For each issue of a specific structured product with an ISIN that will be offered in Bulgaria, the relevant key information document will be published in Bulgarian on the website, where information and all documents related to the respective products are available.
In its capacity as Investment Intermediary, UniCredit Bulbank AD applies an Execution Only customer service model. This model implies that orders for purchase and sale of financial products with passporting in the EU are accepted for execution, without charging an additional premium.
The Key Investor Information Document valid for all countries where a structured financial product is offered, specifies the collection of an additional premium, apart from the nominal value premium - agio.
In view of the model of offering a structured product in Bulgaria specified above, UniCredit Bulbank AD does not collect an additional premium, apart from the nominal value premium - agio.
The information above is for illustrative purposes only and is not advice for carrying out transactions in financial instruments. It is considered that each investor makes his/her own decision to invest or conduct other transactions in structured products. UniCredit Bulbank AD does not provide investment advice.