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Upcoming changes in the Tariff, Interest rates and General Terms

Upcoming changes in the Tariff, Interest rates and General Terms

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  • upcoming
  • Calendar Icon 02/04/2025
  • Calendar Icon in force of 02/21/2025
  • Text File Icon Client information

Notice for Shareholders of Amundi Fund Solutions - in force of 21.02.2025

Dear Shareholders,

The Board of Directors of Amundi Fund Solutions would like to inform you of the following changes:

  • Calendar Icon 12/05/2024
  • Calendar Icon in force of 12/05/2024
  • Text File Icon Client information

Update and amendment to the General terms and conditions for credit agreements provided by UCF EAD - in force of 05.12.2024

Dear clients,  

We would like to inform you that the General terms and conditions applicable to credit agreements provided by UniCredit Consumer Financing EAD have been updated and amended.  

  • Calendar Icon 09/12/2024
  • Calendar Icon in force of 09/02/2024
  • Text File Icon Client information

Change in Prospectus for CPR Invest funds – in force of 2-nd September 2024

All the changes described concerning only certain sub-funds and reflected in the Prospectus dated September 2024, will take effect on that date and will have no impact on the investment of the relevant shareholders.

  • Calendar Icon 09/03/2024
  • Calendar Icon in force of 09/12/2024
  • Text File Icon Client information

Notice for Shareholders of Amundi Funds - in force of 12.09.24

Dear Shareholder,
The board of directors of Amundi Funds (the “Board”) would like to inform you of the following changes:

  • Calendar Icon 04/05/2024
  • Calendar Icon in force of 06/06/2024
  • Text File Icon Electronic Services, Client information

Announcement for upcoming changes in GTC for the e-banking services Bulbank Online and Bulbank Mobile – in force of 06.06.2024

The changes are related to the way of accessing, signing and additional confirmation of payment transactions and requests.

  • Calendar Icon 04/04/2024
  • Calendar Icon in force of 06/06/2024
  • Text File Icon Electronic Services, Client information

Notification about changes regarding termination of SMS for operations in Bulbank Online – in force of 06.06.2024

Following the change you can rely on a completely free solution for generating login passwords and for confirming payments/requests in Bulbank Online - M-token (part of the Bulbank Mobile banking app).

  • Calendar Icon 02/29/2024
  • Calendar Icon in force of 02/23/2024
  • Text File Icon Client information

Notice for Shareholders of Amundi Funds - in force of 23.02.24

Dear Shareholder,
The board of directors of Amundi Funds (the “Board”) would like to inform you of the following changes:

  • Calendar Icon 02/21/2024
  • Calendar Icon in force of 03/15/2024
  • Text File Icon Client information

Notice for Shareholders of Amundi Funds - in force of 15.03.24

Dear Shareholder,
The board of directors of Amundi Funds (the “Board”) would like to inform you of the following changes:

  • Calendar Icon 11/27/2023
  • Calendar Icon in force of 01/01/2024
  • Text File Icon Client information

Announcement for upcoming changes in GTC of UniCredit Bulbank AD as an investment intermediary as of 01.01.2024

As of 01.01.2024, amendments and additions to the General Terms and Conditions of UniCredit Bulbank AD as an investment intermediary enter into force.

  • Calendar Icon 10/09/2023
  • Calendar Icon in force of 01/01/2024
  • Text File Icon Client information

E-food vauchers payments on POS teminal devices

As of 1st January 2024, POS terminal devices operated by UniCredit Bulbank AD will be able to accept payments with е-food vouchers.

  • Calendar Icon 05/23/2023
  • Calendar Icon in force of 05/23/2023
  • Text File Icon Client information

ePOS is now available

The service of payment and prepaid cards on a POS software terminal device (ePOS) is available.

  • Calendar Icon 04/04/2023
  • Calendar Icon in force of 04/11/2023
  • Text File Icon Client information

Notice for Shareholders of Amundi Funds - in force of 11.04.2023

Dear Shareholder,
The board of directors of Amundi Funds (the “Board”) would like to inform you of the following changes:

  • Calendar Icon 04/03/2023
  • Calendar Icon in force of 04/14/2023
  • Text File Icon Client information

Notice for Shareholders of Amundi Funds - in force of 14.04.2023

Dear Shareholder,
The board of directors of Amundi Funds (the “Board”) would like to inform you of the following changes:

  • Calendar Icon 03/09/2023
  • Calendar Icon in force of 03/10/2023
  • Text File Icon Accounts, Client information

Announcement for upcoming changes for accounts of Individual clients - 10.03.2023

In order to fulfill the Bank's legal obligation to maintain up-to-date and verified customer data, outgoing payment operations from joint accounts are temporarily limited until the joint account holders/their proxies appear at the Bank's office together.

  • Calendar Icon 11/04/2022
  • Calendar Icon in force of 11/04/2022
  • Text File Icon Client information

Announcement for clients

In the current complicated international environment, taking care of the interests of each client and strictly respecting the applicable legislation with regard to restrictive measures imposed by the UN, the EU and OFAC, remains our priority with due respect and responsibility.

  • Calendar Icon 09/27/2022
  • Calendar Icon in force of 10/07/2022
  • Text File Icon Client information

Notice for Shareholders of Amundi Funds - in force of 07.10.2022

Dear Shareholder,
The board of directors of Amundi Funds (the “Board”) would like to inform you of the following changes:

  • Calendar Icon 08/31/2022
  • Calendar Icon in force of 09/01/2022
  • Text File Icon General terms, Client information

Notification regarding change of insurer under group insurance "Travel assistance for bank card holders"

Dear clients,

We inform you that as of 01.09.2022. UniCredit Bulbank AD in the role of Insurer under group insurance "Travel assistance for bank card holders" renewed the annual insurance policy with a new insurer.

  • Calendar Icon 07/13/2022
  • Calendar Icon in force of 09/16/2022
  • Text File Icon Client information

Up-to-date information on cash transactions in foreign currency - in force of 16.09.2022

We would like to inform you that from 16.09.2022, UniCredit Bulbank AD will be able to carry out cash transactions only in the following currencies: Euro (EUR), US dollar (USD), British pound (GBP) and Swiss franc (CHF).

  • Calendar Icon 06/07/2022
  • Calendar Icon in force of 06/08/2022
  • Text File Icon Client information

Notice for Shareholders of Amundi Funds - in force of 08.06.2022

Dear Shareholder,
The board of directors of Amundi Funds (the “Board”) would like to inform you of the following changes:

  • Calendar Icon 03/04/2022
  • Calendar Icon in force of 03/04/2022
  • Text File Icon Client information

Announcement for temporary suspension of the purchase and sale of the Russian ruble (RUB)

UniCredit Bulbank AD temporarily suspends the purchase and sale of Russian ruble (RUB) currency.